3th-9th October 2022 – Ostrava (Czech Republic)
OBJETIVES OF THE TRAINING COURSE: The Short term staff Training provided the opportunity to provide skills, train youth workers, youth educators, artists of the organizations on methodology, tools in artistic areas that can help, support and empower the NEET to be integrated in the society.
The Short term staff Training was 5 days and took place in the Czech Republic.
It was attended by 3 staff members from each partner (15 in total); they conducted classroom sessions/workshops facilitated by a expert in the mornings and practical team- building and cultural exchange events in the afternoons. To guarantee the success of the course and the achievement of the established objectives, the association established to send people who have a good knowledge of English and work directly with NEET in their communities. The result of this training were the training of 15 youth workers who on their return were able to support, teach and guide local NEETs using the artistic activities to integrate in the community.